Saturday, June 12, 2010


"In 1982, I was introduced to Bikram. I started to go to his class and I have practiced yoga in some form ever since. I truly believe that it helped to prolong my career and kept me from getting serious injuries. The stretching aspect of yoga perfectly compliments the strength training and cardiovascular endurance that are sp well covered in traditional sports workouts."

Kareem Abdul-Jabaar

Los Angeles Lakers


Do I need to lose weight? Do I need to de-stress? Do I lack energy? Do I easily get tired? Do I experience tension headaches? Am I having trouble sleeping? Do I play active sports and want to prevent injury? Does my injury not seem to heal? When I play weekend sports, does my body ache at the end of the day? Do I need to have some quiet time for myself?

Ask yourself these questions and Bikram yoga might be just for you!


Bikram yoga was founded by Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury, the founder of the worldwide Yoga College of IndiaTM . Born in Calcutta in 1946, he began Yoga at the age of five.

Choudhury developed this type of yoga during his most trying times. At an early age, he became a yoga champion. But when he turned 20, he was crippled by a weightlifting accident. At that moment, when everything was deemed impossible, Choudhury invented 26 postures to restore his health. These poses were eventually called Bikram yoga and was further developed and taught by Choudhury in Los Angeles.

Choudhury became the foremost yoga teacher in the west, helping millions of students worldwide through his school in Beverly Hills and at over 600 affiliates schools worldwide.

Today, Bikram yoga has already gained popularity with wellness enthusiasts in Manila and even more and more people are becoming interested.


Bikram Yoga is done in a heated room to warm your body, helping you become more flexible and allows for a safer routine. It also makes you sweat and cleans your body by flushing away toxins.

Bikram Yoga is a challenging series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises. The poses are arranged in chronological order specifically to strengthen every joint, muscle and ligaments in the body. Yoga builds strength, endurance and flexibility, balancing the body and mind, bringing the same practice even when you’re outside the yoga room. The sequence also uses the tourniquet effect, a method of compression of the internal organs using which stops the blood from flowing in the compressed area and once released, brings deoxygenated blood to the organ, revitalizing and rejuvenating it. Thus, flushing out the cardiovascular system and stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems as well. Giving you that inner glow coming from the inside not just the outside, one then becomes ageless and forever young. It does not only keep your body fit. The series helps improve skills of concentration, patience, determination and self-control, increasing mental clarity and reduces stress significantly. it might even be just the thing you need in order to veer away, even for a couple of hours, from all the problems and stress in life.